Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Bilderberg group, IMF and New World Order

In case you haven't heard, the Bilderberg group, a secret organisation of the richest and most powerful people on the planet has been exposed that the hidden hand, a supragovernmental organisation that has been charting global agenda and they are the real power behind the New World Order.

Their control of all the major banking groups and the world's finance have allowed these people to make presidents and prime ministers dance to their tune,

those who want to become presidents and prime minister are, unsurpisingly, even more keen to please this group because they are quite capable of funding elections and revolutions,

The Bilderberg's prize posession is the United States and her huge economy and they are now in the final stages of taking full control of the US and using the formidable military and political might of that powerful nation to fulfill their globalist agenda.

The near collapse of the US and world economy as a result of the widespread sub-prime loans and derivatives fraud was one of the final steps in bringing the US to its knees and into total submission.

In order to understand who or what organisations/ideology is really behind the Bilderberg, we have to follow the money. They are run by people who have decided to control the world through oppressive usury and control of the world's wealth.

These people are putting the final touches to their global domination through the current induced instability in the Middle East - Once they feel the seat of their global government is totally and completely secure, they will return the world's powerbase to their ancient capital

They believe they are the chosen people, not just in the spiritual aspect but in a very physical sense adn they believe they are a superior race who has the right to lord over others.

Look at the Bilderberg as the last gate before you enter the real inner sanctum of the people behind the New World Order

The Bilderberg is part of their plot to define the limits of the conspiracy, it is a mental red flag that is designed to stop the public from identifying the real power behind the New World Order. The Bilderberg group is the final curtain that keeps them away from prying eyes

Bush, Clinton, Bush jr, Obama are no more than puppet-presidents who think they are in control of the world.

That's the situation in the US, what about us?

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